Between bird flu, weather disasters and terrorism we cannot NOT pay attention to having food in our homes in case of an emergency. There are so many thick, all inclusive books out there on the subject that it can be overwhelming. Since my brain has to simplify everything before I will actually DO it ....here is my "no frills, just git er done" FOOD STORAGE PLAN for three months in THREE EASY STEPS!
I start every project with a brand spankin new white 1/4 in binder and nice tabs
1. make a list of 15 simple meals that you regularly make that use canned/ dry packaged food.
2. list each ingredient (and amount for your size family) and know that for 3 months (12 weeks) you will need 6 of each item.
for example: if I plan on having spaghetti twice in the month then for three months, I need 6 jars.
While you're at it make a list of non- food supplies that you know you'd go nutty if you didn't have it, like toothpaste and floss, shampoo and TP.
Here are a few of my fifteen meals: add fresh fruits and vegetables when possible
TACO SOUP and bread
1/2 lb cooked ground beef or turkey
1/2 cup chopped omions (brown with the meat)
1- 16 oz can whole or chopped tomatoes
1-16 oz can pinto beans
1- 16 oz can corn
1-small can tomato sauce
1-4 oz can mushrooms (opt)
1-pkg taco seasoning
simmer together 15-20 min
can add a little cilantro at the end
can add a little sour cream and grated cheese to individual bowls
1 bottle of meat flavored Prego and dry pasta - no brainer
TUNA SANDWICHES ...ok you get how to do this now
Campbell's tomato soup and crackers - can't get more simple than that
Think comfort food - maybe its Kraft mac and cheese - these should be REALLY simple meals that will get you by in an emergency.
After you make a list of the 15 meals and a list of the individual ingredients....
3. - buy 2 (or more) and use 1! how simple is that....... always be building UP the supply.
PS Why Three months? I've heard that that is how much time we are likey to be quarantined in our homes if/when the bird flu pandemic hits!
Next blog....Practice SUPER-MARKETING to buy the food and non food items as cheaply as possible...how to get a lot for a little!
Hello and thanks for your visit!
I hope you get some readers for your new blog. The best thing is to travel around leaving lots of comments!
It was so fun to have you read my blog! Thanks for checking in. And I love your blog as well. Your ideas for getting dressed quick were great.
Fun hearing from you!
seriously, is that your pantry ;-)? love the ideas!
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