It's the wish lists from Amazon. Two weeks ago we got an email from M'liss (who lives on the other side of the world...Vancouver WA). The email contained a list with photos of possible birthday gifts for her, should we be so inclined, that could be ordered from Amazon. As I looked at the list I realized that I didn't know that Amazon is trying to be the biggest retailer in the world, by linking to other stores. Basically it's a one stop shopping where you can buy items from a variety of sources but only pay through one.
This makes for effortless gift giving IF you know what the person wants. In the Amazon toolbar is a tab that says "your lists" Click it and then click "wish list". It's my birthday in a couple of weeks so I searched for a bunch of books that I've been wanting to read....made my wish list and then clicked the "tell people about this list" tab on the left, and then cut and paste my kids emails and shot it off to them. The book at the top is one that I really want....kids??? any takers? anybody??
Yepp..ah huh!
Love BOTH of your blogs, Lorna.
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