Thursday, December 31, 2009

Really cool necklaces / scarf

This is not a home related  post.....but seriously, these are the coolest necklaces for winter !

to see more look at Nitca at Etsy

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saving homemade chicken stock

store bought stock is not cheap...and they are salty! The best stock is homemade. When I cook a turkey, or roast a chicken (even one from the grocery deli)

1. I stick the bones in a big pot and simmer for a few hours.
2. put in fridge over night, skim off fat the next day.
3. add carrots, celery, bay leaf onions, parsley, (if you have it) thyme, garlic, pepper and simmer again
4. strain and freeze in muffin tins for easy use.

I use my stock for everything: steaming asparagus, soups (duh), gravy, stir fry...wherever you might want some richly flavored water.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

organizing birthday cards

I have used a dutch birthday calendar for years. There are no years on it, only days. It hangs on the back of my bathroom door (that's the obligatory place where all true Dutchies put them)  and a box that birthday cards go into to lay in wait, but I now put it all together in this BIRTHDAY BINDER. It is divided by months and a couple of occasions at the back. Plastic page protectors go behind  each month (to hold said cards) and a month at a glance list of birthdays and anniversaries goes right behind each tab.  I love it.
...another great Martha Stewart idea

Monday, December 7, 2009

organizing belts

another great Martha Stewart idea. Those hooks shouldn't be too hard to screw in, right?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Closet organization - Idea for scarves and belts

If I had a wall in my closet, I would do this....what a great new use for towel rods! Add hooks to the rod for belts. Visible and accessible! Love it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cool trip-logue

I love documenting family life. Years ago I remember hearing a a great lecture about raising kids. The psychologist said that kids (teens in particular) want to relate to a group. Parents want their family group to be the one they relate to so...coming up with ways to accomplish this have always been high on my list. Among the things we routinely did, visual reminders of  "We are a family that has fun together and love each other" has been important to me.  If I had seen this bulletin board years ago I soooo would have done this.

Organizing - Quick trip pill box

A great use for an old contact case!